The Summer Proposal Review and Summary

I do not even understand where to start with my review of The Summer Proposal. I always “one click” anything Vi Keeland writes  because I’m never dissatisfied and this book proves it. I may be left with a difficult book hangover after I ended up reading her work, but I would not change a single thing!

The chemistry was sizzling hot and off the charts. I’m speaking about my fingers burning as I swipe page after page. Thank God it’s winter season here and I cooled down with the cold temperatures because honey there was certainly smoke, sirens, and a great deal of heat packed within these pages. The characters were written with passion that simply stole my heart. This book touched deep and was felt even deeper. I may have wept a couple of times and chuckled a lot more than that. My heart. My eyes. My soul. They all were taken for a ride!


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About the Author

Summary of the Summer Proposal

Vi Keeland